By Neil Phillips.

How, as a coach, do you prepare one of your leaders to lead change?  Leaders are change agents and one of the most important roles for a coach is to mentally prepare the leader for their role.

This question came to the forefront for me this past week.  Many of my clients are work on their end-of-year planning and goal setting for next year.  The process invariably gets them started thinking about who their leaders will become in 2018.

Here are some of the questions that went through my mind this past week.  As you prepare to coach leaders to lead change, be curious about the possibilities that you’ll hear.

  1. How does the change strengthen your core values?
  2. How does the change enhance your mission and vision?
  3. What’s going to stay the same?
  4. How will you keep everyone focused on the most important things?
  5. How is your “why” affected?
  6. How do the changes affect the individual “whys” of people on the team?
  7. How do you want to be seen?
  8. What role are you most comfortable playing?
  9. Five years from now, how do you want to remember this time?
  10. Five years from now, how do you want to be remembered?
  11. What is your team expecting from you?
  12. How can you make your team comfortable with the changes?
  13. Who will embrace them?
  14. Who will hold back?
  15. Who will want to make stronger implementation plans?
  16. Who will know the pulse of the team?
  17. Who do you want to know the changes before you announce them?
  18. Who do you want to talk with right after the announcement?
  19. What resources do you need to prepare for the transition?
  20. How will you know your transition is successful?
  21. When will you know the transition is successful?
  22. How will you keep your team focused on important matters?
  23. How will you minimize the tyranny of the trivial?
  24. Who has to vent?
  25. How will you stay strong?
  26. How will you resist tweaking?
  27. How will you evaluate things as they progress?
  28. Twenty years from now, how important will this seem?
  29. Who in your life only cares about how you are doing during this change?
  30. What have you done in the past to prepare for this moment?

While I never got a chance to ask most of these questions, they were a great preparation tool for me. My preparation allowed me to stay centered as emotions get high and intellects goes down.

How will you prepare to coach a client through major changes?

Who Will Ask You These Questions?

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