By Neil Phillips.

As I look forward to Spring Breaks and Zoom calls with my grandchildren, I can’t help but reflect on some of the direct selling lessons that they’ve taught me over the years. Here are five of the top ones.

  1. Ask for what you want. Again and again and again. My grandchildren don’t have short memories. They think that what was a “no” five minutes ago may have turned into a “yes” when they ask now. And you know, sometimes they are right. How often do you treat a NO as if it’s written on stone tablets for all eternity?
  2. Spontaneous is always more fun. Active imaginations will carry the day! When the oldest says to me, “let’s play,” he means, “let’s make it up as we go.” Reading a book is a starting point. Going outside is a starting point. Having a conversation is a starting point. Where anything ends is a result of our imagination. When was the last time you reached outside your box to do something radically different? What would happen if you double your recruiting this month? How about doubling the number of management interviews you do this month?
  3. Cleanup comes later. Never, ever let cleanup interfere with primary activities. How about you? How is your Facebook time supporting your business? Do you need to take prime business time to input orders on the computer?
  4. Find new people to play with. When you want something new, find new people. New friends will surprise you.
  5. Laugh out loud, especially at yourself. Why don’t you take a deep breath and laugh out loud just as long as you can? Feel better? You know that my grandchildren are right, don’t you?

What is your family teaching you today? Life lessons can provide you with some great guidelines for your business.

Want to learn more about life lessons in Direct Sales?

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