By Dana Phillips.

It’s never a bad time to take a close look at the quality of service you’re giving your customers. Here are five keys that you can use as guidelines when focusing on improving your customer service. Whether you’re working with customers, hosts, recruit leads, or even members of your team, these keys will help you meet the needs and expectations of those around you.

  1. Dependability. Can your customers depend on you? Being dependable means you perform consistently, you honor your promises, and people know they can rely on you. Nothing discourages a customer more than the feeling that you can’t be relied upon.
  2. Friendliness. This includes being courteous, polite, considerate…and simply showing respect for others. Smile and let others know you’re happy to help them! You’ll also appear friendly by keeping a neat, professional appearance.
  3. Accessibility. Can people reach you easily? Are you quick to get back to them? In addition to being accessible, you should also strive to be approachable; in other words, people should look forward to talking with you, even if it’s about a problem or concern.
  4. Trustworthiness. Work to establish credibility with everyone you know. You’ll do this by simply being honest and demonstrating that you have the person’s best interests in mind.
  5. Knowledge. Show people that you’re competent by building a strong knowledge of your products, programs, and promotions. By demonstrating to others that you’re well trained and possess the skills needed to run a successful business, you’ll make a strong impression and improve your chances of earning their loyalty.

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