Have you ever finished out your year in December and felt like everything was rolling! After enjoying a great holiday season, you got back to your business in January. You realized that the events you thought you were going to hold were postponed, the new consultants who were going to join after the holidays decided not to join, and the future leaders you had planned to promote in January didn’t have any work scheduled on their calendar. You realized you had to start all over to get the momentum rolling again.

Here are five things you can do to be ready for a momentum-filled January.

  • Plan now for January. Take time to visualize what you want, set your goals for December and January, and write your action steps. You’ll want to meet with your leaders and show them how to do the same.
  • Recruit like crazy NOW! New Consultants will sell in January. They don’t know any different, and they are ready to build their business. Get as many new consultants into your fast-track program as possible. They will be leading the way in sales as they work to complete the goals.
  • Promote new leaders now. Many will want to put off promotion until January or February. When you promote them by December 30, they will keep selling and recruiting to be promoted and will continue being engaged in their business in January as a leader. Holding lots of leadership conversations now and setting target dates will keep your future leader pool full.
  • Schedule more events than you want to hold in January. The reality is that some hosts will schedule into January and, after the holidays, postpone. Remember, a postponement is a cancellation because it has canceled your profit for that week. Teach your team to schedule a full calendar of events.
  • Contact – Contact – Contact! Be sure all hosts are host coached by December 15. Touch base with hosts, new consultants, and new leaders over the holidays by sending a card, email, or text.

Now is the time to develop a Now and Later focus. You’ll want to keep December full while scheduling business for January and teaching your team to do the same. Visualize enjoying the holidays and feeling the excitement of starting January with total momentum.

How Do Other Leaders Create a Successful January?

Dana and I appreciate you.  We love sharing our sandbox with all of you and are thankful for the joy and energy you bring.

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