By Dana Phillips.

Some of you have never done a Facebook party. Some of you have never done an in-person party. Many of you have done both without realizing some pretty critical hostess coaching connections.  We believe that both types of parties deserve your attention before, during, and after the event.  While this article is not complete training on hostess coaching, three vitally similar things will make your parties (live or online) more successful.

Remember, it is a partnership. YOU are doing the party for your hostess, not the other way around. YOU are the expert.  YOU want to make sure he/she gets lots of free product and that the guests enjoy the party enough that they want to host, too.

So here’s what I know about some of you (the bad stuff to avoid):

  • You send notes, flyers, and checklists to your host and believe she reads them (this one cracks me up!).
  • You blame the hostess for a low-sales party (this one makes me sad!).
  • You don’t always make time to hostess coach (this one seems like bad planning!).
  • You avoid hostess coaching because you don’t want to be pushy (this one is the head-in-the-sand approach!).

Yes to any of those?  Keep reading.

Here are the three things you want to make sure with both kinds of parties, whether they are in a living room or a virtual room.  In this day and age of texts, emails, and messenger, ask for 15 minutes of her time for a personal (phone, face to face, zoom) meeting to go over the party because this is your business and you want her to have a successful party.

  1. Have her make a wish list and give it to you. Think about what she would get free for a $1000 party (even if your average is a measly $250). Ask her to share it with you. Give her some ideas to start it off. If she say’s “I am just having this for (you, my friend, and the like), remind her that when you do something nice, it comes back to you. So if you dropped off $xxx worth of products on her doorstep what would she pick?”
  2. Tell her why and how to invite people personally. A group text is not a personal invitation. Clicking on “invite” is not a personal invitation. Let your hostess know that it is essential to over invite and have people in the room (remember living room or virtual room). Give her words to say, if necessary. Remind her to ask if they are attending, not just announce her party date and place.
  3. Share your opportunity with every hostess. Too many of you wait until the party to mention it, or forget to mention it. Make it your job to tell every hostess about the income opportunity. Need words to say? Here is an excellent article on what and how to approach every hostess!

These three hostess coaching tips are the most important steps you can take before the party, regardless of where you hold it.  No hostess wants to have a terrible party, and if you don’t give her the support, you are increasing her chances of failure.  Remember every party is a partnership, and every hostess deserves your 15 minutes of coaching.

Want more ideas on Hostess Coaching Facebook Parties? 

Join our Facebook Group, Facebook Parties 101 (Team Connections).  You will find lots of tips from our friends at CinchShare!