By Dana Phillips.

This is probably not what you expected to read after seeing the title.  But I can’t let it pass.  I have to open up about my long-running love affair.

Neil and I have been engaged in the direct selling profession in one way or another for a lot of years. My first “Announcement Party” was in May of 1977. Sarah was almost nine months old, and I was already longing to spend more time with her in the summer. I never dreamed that my business would allow me to put Neil through graduate school, permit us to build our five kid family through birth and adoption, and offer us an opportunity to help so many others grow their income.

Lots of changes have occurred over the years, and it is so much fun to keep up.  Learning new technology, from Facebook parties to Voxer, to Zoom and Instagram is a blast.  I think it keeps us relevant to the direct selling world and if you are struggling with learning the technology, I just want to encourage you to go for it. You’ll grow for it.

But that isn’t what I am writing about (SQUIRREL).

There are three things I love about our profession, and they haven’t changed in decades.  Smile with me for a moment as you reflect on these great attributes of our direct selling world.

Personal Development:  There is no doubt in my mind that direct selling grows our life skills. Time management, resilience, working with people from a variety of views, and goal setting are just a few of the amazing personal development skills that we get to experience every week!

Relationships:  Whether it is the neighbor across the street or the associate across the world, relationships continue to be the fuel that drives our business. I always remember my mentor saying, “Talk to people, because if you don’t, you won’t grow your business.”  Now, more than ever, it is the relationships we create with our customers, teams, and future leaders that will propel the profession. Think about it this way. If your product could be sold more effectively without YOU, the relationship builder, would you even be in business?

Generosity: This is the best.  Every company I know, the successful people reach out with their BEST secrets, their BEST tips, and their BEST advice. Do you realize what a blessing that is?  Some of the most generous people I have EVER met are in the direct selling profession. It is part of the culture of the business, and I believe it is a grandchild of personal development and relationships.

Speaking of generosity, it isn’t just the independent contractors who are generous.  I know a group of amazing direct selling support teams who generously offer free and low-cost services for a fraction of the price they would be paid in another industry.  AND, I just happen to know that if you wait until May 1, we are going to show you just HOW generous some of these folks are.

For you, because you are worth it.

One way we are always trying to share the generosity is through Team Connections Pro. The inexpensive membership site offers you training materials on all of the key topics and there is enough of it to last for a year.  AND more is being added every week so you can have timely and current ideas.

Besides that, you get coaching–someone to support YOU, who are the heart of your business.  Try it for a month for $47.  You have no obligation to continue and can close your account at any time. TC Pro: because you are worth it.