By Neil Phillips.

How can you help more people on your team see leadership in their future and believe it’s possible for them?

It begins with inspiration, and as the leader, it’s your job to inspire. Try out some of these inspiring ways to create a leadership culture. Soon, your team will be full of leaders!

  1. Begin at the beginning. As you share your opportunity, let them know that your team is a team of leaders. John C. Maxwell assumes that the first person we must lead is ourselves. So, on our team, we learn to be leaders from the beginning.
  2. As you discover their why, paint the picture of how becoming a leader of others will help it come true.
  3. Keep the qualities and laws of leadership in front of them all the time, at meetings, on conference calls, and on your team’s FB page. An easy way to do this is to share one law or characteristic each time. Use John C. Maxwell’s books The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader as resources.
  4. Above all, be the leader they want to follow!

It’s really pretty simple: Believe that everyone has the potential to be a leader; think, talk, and live leadership qualities; and become the leader others not only want to follow but want to become.

Are you looking for ways to keep yourself inspired as a leader? We are here to support you!

Want to Share Ideas About Leadership?

You want to be the leader that your team wants and needs. Enjoy your present time with them.

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