By Neil Phillips.

The spring conference is always an exciting time! As a new leader, I reset my goals for the rest of the year and came home excited and focused. I was determined to keep the “main thing the main thing” and achieve my goals. It wasn’t long before I was back to doing the urgent things and not having time to work on the “main thing.” The excitement, goals, and determination from the conference were lost way too soon. As I grew in my leadership role, I had to learn how to keep the “main thing, the main thing.”

Here are four things I did to help me stay on track:

  1. Decide what the “main thing” is. I aimed to grow my team/organization sales and knew I needed more leaders. So, promoting became my focus and the “main thing.” You’ll want to decide what your “main thing” is.
  2. Set a goal, create a visual, and keep it in front of you. I set a promoting goal and broke it down by month. I wrote the plan on colored 3 x 5 cards and put them all over the house, in my car, and even on the bathroom mirror. They were a constant reminder of my “main thing.” Next, I made a list of future leaders with target dates set for the month. They were my top priority, and I connected with them every day before talking to anyone else.
  3. Block time in the calendar to do the “main thing.” I made a list of the activities it took to promote leaders. Then, I blocked time in my calendar to do those things. I learned long ago that if it’s on the calendar, it gets done. I asked myself many times a day… “s what I’m doing right now, help me promote leaders.” I even wrote that question down and put it where I could be reminded all day. If I found that I was off track, I’d get back to the “ain thing” immediately.
  4. Work with a coach. It’s easy to be pulled off track. I found that when I was accountable to my coach, I was focused on the “main thing” and got back on track when I lost that focus. You may find your coach in a mastermind group or as part of your upline.

It takes discipline and practice to keep the “main thing the main thing” I learned that when I let go of the things that didn’t grow my business and focused on the “main thing,” amazing things happened.

Want Some Help Keeping Focused on the Main Thing?

You want to be the leader that your team wants and needs. Facebook groups can support you in your goal.

Join The Direct Selling Leaders Network. Since you are known by the company you keep, maybe you want to find some leaders who want to share passions, principles, and practice. You can be one of the great people to hang with.

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