Ten Tips for New Direct Sales Leaders

By Dana Phillips. Congratulations on your accomplishment as a new leader!  This is an excellent time of year to be in direct sales and an [...]

Six Types of Recruit Leads

By Dana Phillips. If you are like most of us, you wish people had a big “R” on their forehead indicating that they would like [...]

How to be Happy and Let Go of Guilt

By Neil Phillips. As a coach, I sometimes find myself talking with clients who are unhappy. Who among us in the last few months [...]

Questions to Get Your Team Engaged

As a leader, you are often faced with team members who say they want success but are not putting time into the business. In the [...]

True Leaders

By Dana Phillips. Leaders are upright.  That is an old word that some would call “out of date.” I love the word because gives us [...]

Personal Insights from Direct Selling Leaders

By Dana Phillips. One of the greatest gifts we give ourselves is personal growth.  It isn’t always easy to face our shortcomings and do something [...]

Growing My Leadership

By Neil Phillips. When direct selling leaders talk about growing their leadership, they are very practical.  They say things like: I want more people on [...]

Don’t Major in the Minors

By Dana Phillips. If you have been awake in the last ten years you have heard the phrase “don’t major in the minors.” The phrase [...]


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