Can your customers find your contact info in 2 clicks?

By: MELANIE MOORE One of the most MAJOR mistakes I see people make in conducting business online is that I cannot figure out how to [...]

My Sales Event Leads Never Turn Into Results

By Neil Phillips. When are your prospects the most excited? The very minute they see your product and interact with you! It only makes sense [...]

That Sales Event Cost More Than I Made!

By Neil Phillips. Are you looking to recoup your investment through sales at your next Home Show event? Try setting up your booth like a [...]

At Sales Events, You Get What You Ask For

By Neil Phillips. If you are unsure what you want, that's what you'll get. Have you ever come away from an event with random results? How [...]

Do What I Do

By Neil Phillips I have had the opportunity to observe many business leaders; some are field leaders, while others are corporate. When I think back, [...]

Smart Leaders Work “Smarter not Harder”

By Neil Phillips. Who wouldn't want to work smarter, not harder? It sounds so simple, but what exactly does working smarter, not harder, look like? [...]

Customize Your Recruiting Message

When you're sharing your income opportunity, do you make essentially the same presentation to everyone? If so, you may not be enjoying the success you're hoping for. Different people have different needs—and they'll respond differently to the same message. For better results, try customizing your recruiting message for each person you talk to.

Putting the Fun Back in Your Business

By Dana Phillips. I loved my opportunity and my team most of the time. There were times, however, when things weren’t going as I wanted, [...]

4 Ways to Get a Voice to Voice Conversation

By Dana Phillips. I have heard many people express frustration about not having a voice-to-voice conversation with their customers, hosts, and consultants. Here is an [...]


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