What Do I Say When They Say NO?

By Neil Phillips. N and O are probably the most dreaded two letters in a direct seller's world.  They evoke a wide variety of emotions, [...]

15 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Lead Change

By Dana Phillips. What is your reaction when you hear the word “change?”  For some of you, it’s “bring it on!” For others, it’s “oh [...]

Finding the Best in Others

By Dana Phillips. Learning to build people by bringing out the best in them is the difference between being a leader and being a great [...]

Tips to Creating a Strong Fall

by Dana Phillips For most of you, your summer conference has come and gone. You can feel momentum on your team, and it is an [...]

What Is Team Connections?

By Neil Phillips. Sales Leaders Aren’t Born. They’re Created. Those two short sentences tell you a lot about Team Connections. Our goal is to support [...]

Fear in Direct Sales

By Dana Phillips. I have been reading a lot about fear in the past few months.  Neil sent this one to me and I love [...]

Making Recruiting a Habit

By Dana Phillips. To make something a habit, you must do it until it feels weird if you don’t do it.  I often talk about [...]

Fear in the Direct Selling World

By Dana Phillips. The dictionary definition of “fear” is “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause [...]

Will You Be a July Victim or Champion?

By Neil Phillips. Will you be a victim by the end of July?  Your feelings can easily turn in that direction.  You feel like you [...]

5 Ways to Lead More Effectively

By Neil Phillips. Leading a team is not always the easiest of jobs.  Some days you just want to give it all up and go [...]


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