By Dana Phillips.

“Everyone on my team is a ‘hobbyist.’”

“They love the meetings; they just won’t put anything into action.”

“I love my people; I just wish they would work!”

The sad cries of the direct selling leader, do any of them sound familiar? Did you know that you can create a team by design? It is all about marketing. Which qualities are you advertising? When you present your opportunity, is it the real story or a ‘candy-coated’ version? In my early years as a leader and sponsor, I often sounded like this:

  • It’s a simple business; purchase a kit, call a few friends to schedule parties, and you will be off and running, booking parties from parties.
  • Whenever you share your products with friends and family, the products will sell themselves; soon, you will have some high residual income from all the auto-shipments. All you have to do is find three people who each find three people.
  • The top people in our company make six-figure incomes plus and work less than forty hours a week!

What happens when the friends say no? Or when the first five customers cancel their auto-shipments? Or when it takes more than five messages or phone calls to secure a booking? Your team doubts. Their belief in the company, in you as a leader, and in themselves is diminished. And so is their trust. The workers on my team increased as I learned to share this way:

  • This is a simple business; we book, sell and recruit. It is simple, yet not always easy.
  • The top people in our company make amazing incomes because they are willing to do what it takes. They invested in themselves, their customers, and their team. Now they are reaping the rewards.
  • Direct selling is an adventure in personal and professional development in which you make money. Those who are willing to learn and grow are the ones who create success. It takes time, some hard work, and stretching. The rewards can be more significant than you can imagine.

As I learned to present an honest look at my business, always sharing what’s possible and the cost, the people who joined the team, came on board ready to work.

Want to learn more about leading a team?

Being a leader is more than managing sales and recruiting. Being a leader tests your self-concept and relationship skills.  The Direct Selling Leaders Network is the Facebook group known as a safe place to share questions and answers about growing your business.  Leaders are curious.  This is a great group to find out some answers.

The Direct Selling Leaders’ Network is the Facebook group for leaders like you. This social learning community is the premier online community for direct selling leaders, future leaders, and those who want to create their future. Leadership is a way of life, not just a position. Join us as we add new FREE content every week! Recruiting, Getting Your Team to Work, and Tips on Working Smarter, Not Harder.  NOT A MEMBER?  Please join some of the best leaders in direct sales.