By Dana Phillips.

After many years of working in the direct selling profession, I have seen a pattern emerge year after year.  You hope that January will be great, right?  Hope is not a strategy. Fast forward to March of next year.

(Scooby Doo music here)

November sales were spectacular!  I was so busy selling I didn’t recruit.

December sales were okay, but with the holidays, I lowered expectations.

January was a slow start, but I get it, I worked but my team was still in hibernation.


I can tell you now, what happened, or will happen if you don’t learn from the mistakes of others.

A different March conversation

(Again with the Scooby Doo music)

I had the biggest paycheck ever from February!!  I started working on 2023 in November.  I recruited a ton of people in November and December and we had a fantastic January. THEN, those people moved up and recruited others so our February was incredible.

There are some of you out there who say, “I KNOW how to have a good January.”  Good for you!  Knowing how is part of the equation.

Knowing how and doing it are not the same thing!  What is your desire?  Do you want a 50% increase over last January?  What is your plan?  Have you broken it into measurable segments or are you relying on one event to “fire them up?”  Are you waiting for your company to announce the promotions and plans for 2023?

Don’t just hope for a great 2023.

What’s your strategy for 2023?

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