There are some great people of influence in our profession.  The world said goodbye to Zig Ziglar in November.  His positive attitude, quotable slogans, and videos will live with us.  Robert Wilonsky wrote a great tribute piece that you might find interesting.

Joe Simnacher wrote the obituary for the Dallas Morning News and I was so touched by the story of his life.  Mr. Ziglar came from humble surroundings and gave one of his mentors a lot of credit. Many people don’t know that he was not a success and credits his turn around to his conversion experience.  He went from thinking about money to thinking about serving people.

I remember hearing him speak early in my career and I loved his approach to success.  My favorite quote is the same as many of you. “If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”  I wrote it down, and like many of you, I put it somewhere where I could see it.  To this day, I think about our business and what we can do to help others.

If I nudge you a little more because you want a goal, I am not pushing.

If I ask you the hard questions, it is not to make me smarter; it is to hold that place where you can get what you want.

If I keep asking you what you really want, it will help me remember to help you get it.

Too many direct selling leaders are still in the “me” mindset.  Let go of self and concentrate on others and you really can succeed.