We have a variety of tools we use to develop solutions to help you grow your company. Here are some of them.

DiSC Profiles

We use:

Other Programs:

In addition to DiSC, some of the other programs we use include:

  • EQ-i 2.0 – A helpful profile for corporate executives that identifies types of skills for improvement.
  • Time Mastery – A useful program for field leaders that looks at 12 dimensions of time management

More About DiSC

You’ll gain keen insights into the communication styles of your team members, as well as your own. DiSC is one of the most trusted learning tools in the industry. During the past 30 years, it has helped over 40 million people achieve new levels of trust and understanding among people whose success depends on one another.

We used the DiSC program at J. Hilburn in Santa Monica. In this video, some of the participants share their reactions to the day.