By Neil Phillips.
If you have ever had a real coach, not someone who just tells you what to do, you will attest to the value you have found. In an extensive study by the International Coach Federation, 99% of those surveyed reported they were satisfied with the overall coaching experience.
Here are just a few of the reasons coaching works:
Coaching Focuses on the Future: When you work with a coach, you focus on the behaviors and activities to achieve your goal. You are looking forward, not dissecting the past.
Coaching Provides Accountability: When you hire a coach, you are asking for accountability for the individual performance that will lead you to your goals. Your coach will ask how you want to be held accountable, explore what might go wrong so you can plan contingencies, and challenge you to be your best. Committing to your coach increases the consciousness that you bring to that commitment. It is no longer simply something you want to do but have committed to doing.
Coaching Increases Productivity: Because you are working on satisfaction, your agenda, and your behaviors, you will lean into the most productive course of action. Professional coaching targets maximizing personal potential, and increased productivity happens.
Coaching Conscious Goal Commitment: What you focus on expands. If you consciously commit to moving forward with a goal or intention, you’ve immediately increased your chances of realizing that goal or purpose.
Want More Sales? Coaching Will Help!
As part of our How to Rake In Sales This Fall series, we are offering coaching. It’s a BONUS!
If you register by September 2, for $27 you receive:
- 3 Classes in September on how to boost sales (of course!).
- 60 Days of TC Pro membership (and access to ALL of the resources) For more details, see here.
- 4 Coaching calls to help you apply the materials and achieve more.
Sounds like a good deal, right? We posted all of the details on August 18. Click here to see them.
Join us in September. Your Fall will appreciate it.