By Janet Daniels.

Summer is fun! How many times have you heard that phrase lately?  Are you wondering how that’s going to happen when the kids are out of school, schedules are changing, vacations are coming up and you really don’t know what you’re going to do to keep your business going?

While summer is fun, it can also be challenging.  When you take time to plan, you’ll find that you can create a summer schedule for your family that is fun and flexible.  Here are some ideas to help you.

Begin by taking time to plan your summer months.  A family calendar works well for this.  On it, you’ll want to schedule your business time, family time and YOU time.  Coloring coding on this calendar works well.

Decide on the days and times you will work.  Think about hiring someone to keep the kids busy on those days.  When you’re free to focus on your business then you’ll find that you’ll get more done.  On your personal calendar, block out what you’ll do and when (and be sure to use definite times).  For instance, block off time that you want to hold parties or appointments.  Then work to fill in those times.  Block out time for recruiting and booking calls, then future leader coaching calls, new consultant training time, and so on.  Once you’ve got your calendar blocked with business building activities, you’re ready to go! For a change of scenery, think about working on the patio, at the library or making calls at Starbucks.

Put all family appointments into the family calendar.  Be sure to use definite dates and times.  Add doctor, dentist, physicals, and other appointments as you make them.  Find out what the kids want to do for the summer and set days and times to do it.  Be sure and check into camps and community activities for kids.  Decide on your vacation time, camping trips and any other times you’ll be gone and put them in the calendar.  Remember to add your Conference dates.

Schedule YOU time!  Now that you’ve planned your family and business time, take care of yourself.  Each week, set time to pursue your hobbies and activities such as golf, shopping, reading, etc.  Moreover, remember to pamper yourself with a mani-pedi or massage often.

By taking time to do these things, you’ll find that your summer will flow smoothly and you and your family will really enjoy it!