By Neil Phillips.

Oh My, I Have a Team!

Now what? Did your first team members come from intentional efforts on your part or just happen? Perhaps people respond to your Facebook ads, or your company sends you leads. Often people are attracted to the fresh enthusiasm you have for your business. However they arrived, you are now a leader. Congratulations!

Leaders are learners; they know that it’s up to them to stay ahead of the game to inspire their team. As a brand new leader, you may wonder what you need to know. Focus on these four areas, and you will stand out as leader others want to follow.

Know Your Company

What does your company offer? Show up for ALL the training. It sets an example, and you will stay ‘in the know.’ Read ALL the training materials, including the complete company manual. Know your product and your printed materials. Set a schedule to review these once a quarter to keep up with any updates.

Study Leadership

Does your company offer special training for leaders? Go beyond and challenge yourself to earn a degree from Automobile University. Zig Ziglar taught us that we could earn the equivalent of 2 years of college education in 3 years just by listening to great learning while we are in the car. My favorite leadership teacher is John Maxwell. Start with these for a good foundation:

  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
  • Developing the Leader Within You
  • Developing the Leaders Around You

If you’d rather listen than read, check out podcasts on Apple or Audible.

Think Well and Often

Leaders are thinkers. Setting the vision and guiding the team takes time to think. Learn to be a good ‘thinker.’ Some classic thought books include:

  • Thinking for Change by John Maxwell
  • As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Stay True to You

People are looking for authentic leaders; leaders who are willing to share their successes and failures, honest and clear about what they value and believe, leaders who live by the values they espouse, and leaders who are not afraid to be real! People will follow who you are and what you do way above what you say, so be the person you want them to be!

The internet is an exciting new momentum builder in direct selling businesses, and you can create a long-distance team at a record-breaking speed.

Want to learn more about being a good leader?

Being a leader is more than managing sales and recruiting. Being a leader tests your self-concept and relationship skills. The Direct Selling Leaders Network is the Facebook group known as a safe place to share questions and answers about growing your business. Leaders are curious. This is a great group to find out some answers.

The Direct Selling Leaders’ Network is the Facebook group for leaders like you. This social learning community is the premier online community for direct selling leaders, future leaders, and those who want to create their future. Leadership is a way of life, not just a position. Join us as we add new FREE content every week! Recruiting, Getting Your Team to Work, and Tips on Working Smarter, Not Harder. NOT A MEMBER? Please join some of the best leaders in direct sales.