“If only I could put all the energy, dreams and excitement ignited at conference in a bottle for later to open when reality hits.”
Don’t you wish you could just release the momentum at will, using it to ignite your team and yourself? You can! When the actions you take after conference match your dreams and desires, you can’t wait to make them happen. Help your team stay focused on the ‘big picture’, working ‘on’ their business with this fun after conference meeting.
- Send out fun invites to the meeting asking everyone to bring a list of his or her favorite conference ideas.
- Put up flip chart sheets around the room.
- Pass out post it notes and have everyone put their favorite ideas from their conference notes on them, one idea per note.
- As a group, brainstorm the major areas of your business that folks want to move forward. For example, bookings, recruiting, follow-up, product knowledge, time management, etc.
- Have different team members put one area at the top of each flip chart page.
- Next, have them get up and put their post it notes on the appropriate page.
- Ask each person to take out a clean page of paper and write down the area they want to work on in their business. Ask them to consider which area will move them forward toward their dream.
- Have a team member read each page out loud.
- Next, ask everyone to select just ONE idea that they will commit to implement at a ‘10’ on a scale of 1 to 10.
- Follow up at the next meeting and have everyone share what he or she implemented and how it worked.
By helping everyone focus on the ONE area of their business to move forward and the ONE action they will take, you will discover that they are more likely to ‘take action’. By going through the process of working ‘on’ their business, their actions will make a bigger impact!
Taking your leadership to the next level is not done by accident. You grow your leadership and your income by being strategic; by growing the leaders on your team.
To grow your leadership, you have to change your thinking. Let me know if you are ready. Want to learn more? You might consider enrolling in our free webinar coming on August 19 on How to Build Your Income Now.