By Dana Phillips.

What do you do when things go wrong? How do you react? Are you a person who steps up and puts on a positive attitude or are you a complainer?

Some people tell me they complain as a release valve for frustration, but there has to be a way to do that without involving someone else.  What value is there in complaining?

Leaders aren’t complainers.  That doesn’t mean that you don’t ever see the downside of a situation. It doesn’t mean that you are unfazed by negative events.

Complaining is problem-prone, not solution prone.  Every minute you spend on complaining is a minute you can be looking for a solution, learning from a setback, or creating a contingency plan.

Complaining is simply wasted energy.  How can you catch yourself the next time you feel a need to complain?

👀 👀 Don’t Miss: 7 Weeks of Training for $5!

Five years ago–even one year ago–you would have never imagined your everyday life being what it is right now. Ask yourself, “What do I want my life to be?”

Is your life worth a $5.00 investment to create the business you want?  You don’t have to go back.  You get to start now and shape your future business into whatever you want.

We know that dream sits in every seller, and we want to help you make it come true.  We’ve created a Seven-Week Boot Camp to help you create the business you want.

You will find:

  • Facebook Beginner Classes
  • Facebook Advanced Classes
  • Development of distinctions like Leading vs. Managing
  • The Work of a Leader: Vision, Alignment, and Execution
  • Communicating with Your Team
  • Handling Peaks and Valleys
  • Facebook Party Panel
  • Zoom Tutorial
  • Weekly Q&A sessions
  • Weekly articles, audios, and discussion topics

You can find more details here.  Read about the Survive and Thrive Bootcamp. We’d love for you to join us.  For $5.00 (that’s your cost!) you get seven-weeks of training.

Contact if you have questions.  Your future can start now!