By Neil Phillips.
You can still focus on recruiting between now and the year-end. Here are The Top 10 Reasons People Want to Join a Direct Selling Company in November and December:
10. They like you!
9. They love your product!
8. They can include the ”big news’ about their new business in holiday greetings and letters.
7. They see lots of people in November and December, and sharing their new business with friends and family is easy.
6. They have time off during the holidays to ‘learn the business.’
5. November and December are big shopping months, and earning those first-month bonuses is easy!
4. They have Christmas gift money to spend.
3. They need money to pay January’s Christmas bills.
2. They want to earn their Christmas gifts for FREE.
1. Someone (like YOU!) offers them the gift of a new business.
How will you share these reasons with your prospects? They are already thinking about them, and when they hear you confirm that you can help them realize the desired outcomes, they will be ready to join!
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