By Dana Phillips.
Mondays are my favorite day of the week. I know, I know, you think I must be crazy! Mondays are the days I get to start over. Whatever happened last week is done, and it’s a fresh beginning time. Think about it. When did you start your last diet, exercise routine, or a new job? I bet it was on a Monday!
What gets you off track? Is it an irate customer, a disgruntled team member, a teenager with an attitude, or an irritated spouse? You fill in the blank; we all have different triggers. The common thread is that most things that throw us off track create emotions, usually negative ones. Here is how I learned to ‘clean the slate’ and make every day feel like Monday!
- What happened? For me, it’s important to write this out. If you don’t like to journal, try finding an accountability partner to help you ‘talk it out.’
- How is this making you feel? It’s important to ‘feel’ what you feel as long as you don’t stop here. Writing or saying the feelings out loud can go a long way in diffusing their power.
- What is your part in this? This is about what could you have done differently not to feel this way? Be careful; you are NOT looking for blame or shame, just for learning.
- What can you do to change this situation? What do you have control over?
- Take action, do what you decided in #4 or if there is nothing for you to do, let it go!
Facing what derails you head-on will breakthrough those negative emotions and set up every day just like Monday, with a fresh new start.
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