By Dana Phillips.

How can a proactive focus support you in building the business of your dreams?

When you schedule time in your weekly planner to work on recruiting, you are proactive.  Five hours a week devoted to recruiting will result in surprising results.  You will be touching others lives.

Conducting five interviews each week will undoubtedly change the landscape of your business.  Here is a suggestion to help you be proactive in conducting recruiting interviews.  Pick a day in your weekly planner and number it from 1-5.  Write the name of each person you interview.  When they sign up, circle the number.

This system supports you in three ways.

  1. You will have a clear SMART goal that you can record your progress.
  2. You will be able to track your law of averages on recruits from interviews.
  3. You will be working on the right thing as a leader.

What are you doing to be proactive about your relationships?  Make time to write down the people you spend the most time with.  Put a plus by those who nurture and build you.  Put a minus by those who drain you or bring you down.  Set a plan to limit contact with those toxic people in your life.

What are you doing to choose proactive language?  Write five “I can’t” statements and cross out “can’t” and choose to insert “will” or “choose.”  Practice using proactive language with your children, your co-workers, and your team.

What are you doing to be proactive about your personal party schedule?  If you want to be paid every week, you want to have parties every week.  Look at your next 4 weeks.  Do you have all of the parties you want?

Ask your team members, do they want to be paid weekly or monthly?  Help them make proactive choices about their personal party schedule.

You are the CEO of your business.  The choices you make and the actions you take will significantly impact your income.

Be the leader you would want to follow.

And do it with excellence.

Who Supports Your Proactivity?

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