By Dana Phillips.

Leadership training can cover a lot of territory.   There are probably hundreds of leadership qualities that could be described.  Here are three I always put near the top of every list.

Lead by example.

You may have heard the famous quote, “the pace of the leader determines the pace of the pack.” In direct sales, this is so true.  You lead a volunteer army.  They do not have to follow your orders.  You set the pace for your team by selling, recruiting, and developing.  The old notion that you have “been there, done that” doesn’t always sit well with your team, particularly in times of change.  You will notice leaders in any direct selling company are out there showing how to be successful.

Lead with integrity.

Integrity is more than just being honest, or following the rules.  John Maxwell said, “We can’t lead, beyond who we are.” Integrity has more to do with who we are than our image.  It is keeping our commitments, being true to ourselves and others, walking the talk.

Lead with a commitment to grow.

When you decide to grow as a person and to grow as a leader, it isn’t just a one-time event.  It requires a daily effort to learn more about yourself, your customers, your product, your sales team, and your surroundings.  Only growing things evolve and get better.  As a leader in direct sales, you need to get better every day.  Ask others how you can improve.  Keep a journal of ways to advance your skills as a person and as a leader.

What attributes would you add?

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