By Dana Phillips.

Have you ever wondered about what it takes to be a leader in your company?  Do you have some questions about the leadership opportunities in your company?  If so, here are some actions you can do now to make that dream come true.

  1. Let your upline leader know what you want so that they can help you.
  2. Plan to attend all conference calls and meetings.  You will always learn something and leave inspired.
  3. Be enthusiastic about what you have to offer.
  4. Be an active participant in all challenges, contests, and incentives that are offered.  Earning the “free stuff” also builds your business.
  5. Remember, you don’t need to know everything; you need to have a great BIG want. You can earn while you learn.
  6. Be willing to work and try new suggestions.
  7. Don’t overlook anyone as a potential new team member.  Your neighborhood has them; every event and party has them.  Recognize them and recommend them.
  8. Invite prospective team members to calls and meetings.
  9. Pick a name.  Really?  Yes, you will start to visualize your team and begin to act more like a leader.
  10. Be a leader by having better than average sales.

Determined people working together can do anything.  Act as if you are already a leader!

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