By Dana Phillips.

People are always looking for words to say to approach people that may not be in their “hot” list and would benefit from their products or opportunity. You don’t have to go to rent space at an event or fair to meet prospects. You don’t have to advertise online either.  If you really believe in your product and your plan, you can speak with strength and conviction that will far outweigh any fear of rejection you may hold.

Here is a simple way to begin a conversation with someone you meet at a store, in the mall, or at the gym. This is not a script, or memorized “spiel;” instead it is a breakdown of a successful technique.

Observe the person and look for something good in them.

Compliment that person, and then tell them they would be great in your business. Make the compliment genuine and go beyond the superficial ones.

Invite them to hear more about your opportunity.

It is important to know that there are leads everywhere you go. And if you think you’ve run out of leads you need to go back and add them to your list.

Motivate yourself to get leads by wanting to share your good fortune with others. Motivate yourself by talking to people who are great recruiters.

Motivate yourself by having an inner desire to succeed. Motivate yourself by believing in yourself and your opportunity.

If you’re not making the money you want, is it really anybody’s fault except yours? When you recruit, you offer the opportunity to sell to someone and they may take and really run with it.

The best way to ask for an interview is with a compliment. I’ve been listening to you. I’ve been watching you. I’ve been thinking about you and you are so wonderful. Give a specific compliment to that person. Then ask permission to tell them about your opportunity. You might say, “I’d love to have you on my team”, or “You are so fun to be with” or “I don’t know if you want to sell or not. Can I give you the information?”

Many direct sellers are finding new team members in the most interesting places. Where did you find your last team member?

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