By Neil Phillips.

Have you ever said (or heard) this, “My family thinks I work All the Time!” Do you? Or does it just seem like you do?

How many hours do you really work in a day? As a direct selling leader, I often heard, “My family/spouse are complaining that I am working all the time.” “I am working my business from the minute I get up until I go to bed!” Really? All the time? I realized I had heard and even said this myself when I thought about it. That was when I created the ‘Timer Test’ to uncover the truth about just how much time we were spending working.

“The Timer Test”

Find a timer, or maybe your phone, that has a stopwatch feature. Click it ON every time you begin to work and OFF when you ‘step out’ of work. By ‘stepping out,’ I mean when you go to put in a load of laundry, intervene in a kid dispute, or walk out to get the mail and engage in a 30-minute conversation with your neighbor. PAY ATTENTION. When you start to scroll through Facebook or Google News, click it off. Stop the watch every time you engage in an activity that you would not be doing if you worked ‘a traditional job’. At the end of the day, look at the stopwatch and see just how many minutes you actually ‘worked.’

Are you thinking and talking about work all the time, or working? One of the great benefits of your direct selling business is the opportunity to merge your work life with your home life. This merger can also become a challenge when you never put up the ‘Closed Sign.’ Learning to ‘work when you work’ and ‘play when you play’ can change your life. It’s all about focus and calendar management.

Want to learn more about managing your focus?

Being a leader is more than managing sales and recruiting. Being a leader tests your self-concept and relationship skills. The Direct Selling Leaders Network is the Facebook group known as a safe place to share questions and answers about growing your business. Leaders are curious. This is a great group to find out some answers.

TheĀ Direct Selling Leaders’ Network is the Facebook group for leaders like you. This social learning community is the premier online community for direct selling leaders, future leaders, and those who want to create their future. Leadership is a way of life, not just a position. Join us as we add new FREE content every week! Recruiting, Getting Your Team to Work, and Tips on Working Smarter, Not Harder. NOT A MEMBER? Please join some of the best leaders in direct sales.