By Dana Phillips.
Successful leaders are good listeners. Listening is one of the most important skills you can develop as a leader. How well you listen significantly impacts how well you build relationships with others. And isn’t that what direct selling is all about building relationships?
Have you ever talked with someone and knew she wasn’t listening? Think about how that made you feel. Everyone wants to feel valued and that what they have to say is important.
Here are five things you can do to let others know you’re listening:
- Let the other person know you’re interested by nodding and saying “uh huh” at appropriate times. Also, asking a timely question or comment to recap lets the speaker know you understand what she is saying.
- Avoid interrupting. It’s rude and frustrates the speaker. Give her space to finish her thoughts.
- Know that you don’t always have all the answers or fix anything. Sometimes, a person wants to talk out loud to sort her thoughts. All she needs someone to listen to her.
- Be interested instead of interesting. Listen to what the other person is saying. Set aside all distractions and concentrate on what is being said. You will learn a lot about her which will build a stronger relationship.
- Remind yourself that your goal is to hear the other person’s words. Ask questions, reflect and paraphrase to make sure you understand the message. If you don’t, you’ll find that what someone says to you and what you hear can be different!
Good listening is when you learn what’s going on. GREAT listening is when the other person feels understood. Developing the skills of listening takes learning and practice. I challenge you to continue on your journey to becoming a “Leader Who Listens.” It will make a huge difference in your business.
Be a leader that listens. Giving people on your team the opportunity to grow is one of your most critical jobs.
Are You Getting Your Team Ready for the Fall?
Your best Fall selling season starts with your attitude and your preparation. That’s why Team Connections is offering a FREE class on August 16 (7:00 p.m. Central time). The class is on 5 Steps to Prep Your Business for This Fall.
You must REGISTER to attend. Go to the Team store and Register. The class will be recorded. Want more details? Go to the Team Store and click the link.