By Dana Phillips.

We heard from some of you in the article Handling the Most Common Objections”  that one objection that “drives you up the wall” is when someone says, “My husband won’t let me.”  For those who make all your decisions unilaterally, this one grates against every fiber in your body.

Think about this; someone might say that their spouse would object for many reasons. If you use the service approach, you will genuinely want to know the answer.

Way back in the day, I said the very same thing. Now if you know Neil, he would never “refuse” to let me do anything. I was young and afraid to try something, and I didn’t want her to see my fear, so I said, “Oh, Neil would never let me do something like this.”  The wise woman boldly suggested we talk to Neil. Not willing to tell another lie to cover the first one, I said okay, and when we met, Neil said, “Sure, if you want to.”

You can find out if this is the “real” reason by asking, “If your husband said he didn’t care, would you do it?”  That would take the conversation to the real objection, husband or not. If she says yes, I would acknowledge her for wanting to talk to him before deciding. Talk to her about how she might approach her spouse. You may offer, without insisting, to speak to her husband.

Do you have any other ideas for the “My husband won’t let me” objection? Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in our Facebook group!

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