Our new blog, Direct Selling Notebook, has arrived. As you might expect, we are as excited as new parents about the birth of this creative outlet. Our quick description of the blog is “quips and tips for direct sellers.” We’ve found that people in the direct selling profession have some many interests, abilities, and duties to keep their business going that no single approach will work well. Like our CD set, Direct Selling 101, you will find a variety of approasches and topics. (Yes, it’s a shameless pitch.)
- Stories. The adage that “facts tell and stories sell” seems as true today as when that anonymous caveman first said it. As we learn from the sellers we encounter, our goal will be to pass forward their stories and insights.
- Processes and principles. These are the things we remember and forget and remember and forget. We can help you remember. For example, I love Curly’s Law about the maniacal importance of dong just one thing. Dana thinks that if you don’t work hard and play hard you aren’t living correctly. You’ll discover what we think is important.
- Passing fancies. Some of our best moments are when we slow down long enough to see the things around us without our normal blinders. When we free our hearts and minds, opportunities open in front of us.
- Lists, announcements, mnemonics, love links, and much more.
Direct selling is such a broad concept that we often keep notes and notebooks full of the wisdoms we encounter. This is our chance to open our notebook to you.
If you’ve been with us for a while, you know that this is the third reincarnation of our blog. When we first started Team Connections in 2003, our blog was called “Idle Musings” and was more of a personal outlet than directed towards sales and training. In 2006, our blog was renamed “Brass Rings” after those shiny loops that were so popular in the days of carousels. We reach for the brass ring, and sometimes we manage to catch hold and enjoy the free ride they provide.
The Direct Selling Notebook will have both Dana’s efforts and mine as we explore the breadth and depth of the direct sales profession. Welcome. Feel free to comment or offer suggestions. We love our customers and will do our best to help you find your success.