How many times have you heard that promoting leaders is the heart of the business? I dare you to tell me I’m wrong! Having more leaders is the answer to sales growth.
This is the first of a four part series on promoting leaders. The process all starts with your attitude.
Here are three questions to ask yourself as you get ready to promote leaders. As you start to say “YES” or “sounds right,” you’ll be putting yourself in the success zone for promoting.
Why should I promote leaders?
- Promoting leaders increases sales. The more leaders you have, the more sales you’ll have each month as your leaders meet their minimums and move to the next level.
- Promoting leaders increases your income. The more leaders you have the more sales you have and the bigger your bonuses are.
- Leaders invested in their business. They sell more, recruit more and stay longer in the business than a consultant does.
- It’s the greatest gift you can give someone. It can change their life. They will grow and you will grow as you promote more leaders.
What is my promoting attitude?
Everything begins with attitude. Zig Ziglar always said, “You gotta give yourself a check-up from the neck up.”
- Leaders who have success promoting leaders consistently have the attitude that “everyone can be a leader!”
- They believe that every consultant deserves to hear about the leadership benefits.
- They know that their job is to offer leadership to everyone and that it’s the consultant’s job to decide if they want to “go for it or not.”
What are my Red Flags?
What could be keeping you from promoting leaders consistently? Let’s look at some “red flags” may be stopping you. Are you saying any of these things to yourself?
- “My last two promote-outs didn’t make it. I just don’t see the value in promoting.” leadership isn’t for everyone. It is for everyone to try. Even if they stay as a Leader for short time, you can be sure they’ve gained something from the experience and so have you!
- “I just want my new consultant to be a strong seller before I want her to promote.” Now, who’s making that decision? You are! Why not share the leadership benefits and let your consultant decide what she wants to do?
- “No one has told me that they want to be a leader.”
- Successful leaders are proactive and create the desire for team members to want to promote to leadership. They make sure all team members know what the next step is and how to get there.
- “I don’t want to push anyone to promote.”
- None of us wants to be pushy and most of us aren’t. When you focus on helping others get what they want, you’ll never be pushy.
How does your attitude sound to you right now? In the Part 2, we’ll talk about consistently identifying your leads.