By Dana Phillips.

Have you ever wondered what the secrets are to keeping your team growing? The answers are not secrets, and you’ve heard them many times. You will boost sales on your team when you:

  • Hold a consistent schedule of parties. As the leader of your team, you set the standard.  When you model holding one party a week (or a month), that’s how your team measures themselves. They know what it takes to earn a good income and incentives by holding two parties a week or eight parties a month.
  • Recruit new consultants every month. It takes one recruit to maintain sales, two to grow, and three to make serious money. What are you modeling for your leaders and future leaders? A goal of three or more personal recruits a month will ensure that your team is growing. When they follow your lead, their team will be growing, too.
  • Promote leaders consistently. The key to growing sales is to promote leaders consistently. Set your goal to promote more this year than last year, and make sure you average one a month or twelve a year. Then work to double it! The more you promote, the faster your team will grow.
  • Coach others to do the same. Are you wondering how you can work this into your schedule? These action steps may help you get organized:
    • Block the time in your calendar to do these things every week.
    • Study your systems for the three areas above. What’s working? What’s not working? Maybe they’re all working and not giving you the results that you want. That could mean that you need to do more. Whether it’s parties, recruiting, or leadership development, be sure that you are doing enough to get what you want. You’re ready to lead others to do the same. Once you’ve got it going for yourself, you are prepared to develop followers who want to do what you do.

During my leadership journey, I’ve learned many leadership skills. Two of them are close to my heart:

  1. Never underestimate the power of your example. Others are watching and modeling after you;
  2. Make sure you are doing the things that you want your team to do.

It’s hard to ask someone to do something you’re not willing to do. Your team is watching what you are doing to grow your business. What do you want them to see?

Want to Hear What Other Leaders Do?

Being a leader is more than managing sales and recruiting. Being a leader tests your self-concept and relationship skills.  The Direct Selling Leaders Network is the Facebook group known as a safe place to share questions and answers about growing your business.  Leaders are curious.  This is a great group to find out some answers.

The Direct Selling Leaders’ Network is the Facebook group for leaders like you. This social learning community is the premier online community for direct selling leaders, future leaders, and those who want to create their future. Leadership is a way of life, not just a position. Join us as we add new FREE content every week! Recruiting, Getting Your Team to Work, and Tips on Working Smarter, Not Harder.  NOT A MEMBER?  Please join some of the best leaders in direct sales.