By Dana Phillips.

Here are some great open-ended questions you can use at your next leadership meeting.  I sure would love to hear from some of you on any of these topics.

Lead Generation

  • How do you get leads from your consultants?
  • What are some ideas or challenges you have that can turn your entire team into a “recruiting machine” for a month?
  • How do you schedule recruiting consistently into your weekly schedule?
  • Where can you look for recruits?
  • How do you teach your consultants to look for leads?

Getting to Know your Prospects

  • What are some silent & verbal signals you watch for in a potential recruit?
  • How can you stay focused on recruiting without feeling as if you’re being boring & pushy?
  • What are some conversation starters you use when you are talking one-on-one to potential recruits?
  • How do you invite people to meetings & follow-up to encourage them to attend?

Lead Follow-Up

  • When do you make the initial follow-up call after meeting a potential recruit?
  • What do you say to set up an interview?
  • Realizing lack of “time” is probably the most common objection we are faced with, how do you overcome this objection?
  • How can you keep the potential recruit from getting “cold feet”?
  • What actions can you take to keep the potential recruit interested & ensure they get a quick start within 7-10 days?

Conversations about recruiting keep that topic in front of everyone’s mind.  What ways can you find to recognize and reward the “small bites” of recruiting?  People who start now want to work this summer.  Your goal is to keep everyone looking!

What Are Leaders from Other Companies Doing?

We know several leaders, and they are members of the Direct Selling Leaders Network.  Join our Facebook group, Direct Selling Leaders Network, to meet greet, and network with like-minded people.  Our FB group is a safe place to share ideas and ask questions.  No cross recruiting and no daily sales pitches.  PS:  Do you have up and coming leaders?  Invite them to join the Direct Selling Leaders Network .