By Dana Phillips

I read this years ago. I am still trying to figure out who wrote it. If you know, please share the answer with me.


Author unknown

  1. Never criticize, condemn, or complain. Think of ways to improve that situation, as the big rewards go to those who find the solutions.
  2. Show real, heartfelt, and honest appreciation. Show others that they are valued, appreciated, and loved.
  3. Think good thoughts about other people and yourself.
  4. Give before you get. Always give others a reason to agree with you before asking anything of them.  If there were a way that you could do that job faster, better, easier, you’d want to know about, so share your ideas.
  5. Smile often. It generates enthusiasm, friendliness, and goodwill.
  6. Remember names. A person’s name is the sweetest, most important sound they will ever hear. Besides, it always grabs their full attention.
  7. Listen well. Encourage others to talk about themselves by asking questions.  Remember the good old standbys, who, what, where, when, why, and how.
  8. Never engage in “worry” conversation or participate in gossip sessions.
  9. Look for and expect good things to happen to you and inquire of others about good things that have happened to them.
  10. Think, look, and act happy and successful, and you will think, feel, and become happy and successful.

Every leader has these characteristics.  Which ones can you cultivate better?  With a little work, you can be consciously competent on all ten.

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