By Dana Phillips
I’m sure that you have hear, “The fortune is in the follow up!” Well, it’s true. Just like real estate is dependent on location, sales (and recruiting) are dependent on follow up.
Follow up is one of the ways that people know you care; that you are making them a priority. Follow up also creates message redundancy, which helps people remember you and how nice your products are. Here are a few KILLER TIPS for great follow up/
- Designate time every workday for “follow up” calls. Most people need 6 or 7 contacts to decide.
- EVERY TIME ask for permission to follow up and ask when a good time is (you pick the day because you already have it scheduled).
- SCHEDULE that follow up in your planner (paper, phone).
- Use the three-prong approach for follow up. If no answer, don’t assume they have “stiffed” you. They have lives, too. Express regret that you didn’t reach them and tell them you will call back if you don’t hear from them. Be pleasant!
- Call with a phone number (leave a voice mail)
- Text (say “This is a follow up to the voice mail I left.”)
- Email (say, “This is a follow up to the text I left.”)
- Then repeat (remember you have scheduled a time to follow up)
- Don’t be afraid when you get a “no.” Simply ask, “Is that no never, or no not now?”
- No never, thank them
- No, not now, ask permission to follow up
- Write it down!
- See number 4
Don’t let your fear of what people think get in your head. If you are polite, always ask permission, and tell them that you are not pushy, people will respect that your efforts to work your business.
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