By Dana Phillips.

Throughout the years, I have heard so many catchphrases that refer to recruiting:

“Put on your recruiting antenna.”

“Pray to see the people who need your opportunity.”

“Put on your recruiting glasses.”

“Ask everyone.”

And guess what? There is brain science that supports this!

Here’s a not recruiting example.  We are looking at buying a car. Neil wants a red car. NOW, wherever I go, I see red cars.  How come?  It is the RAS.

The reticular activating system (or RAS, for Reticular Activating System) is the name given to the part of the brain (the reticular formation and its connections) believed to be the center of arousal and motivation in mammals (including humans).

Why is it important?

Your RAS plays a vital part in your ability to achieve goals.

Your reticular activating system is like a filter between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. It takes instructions from your conscious mind and passes them on to your subconscious. For example, the instruction might be “red car.”  You will subconsciously be looking for red cars.


Same thing. When you consciously tell your brain, you are looking for someone to bless with your opportunity; then your subconscious will be looking for people.  Your RAS helps you see what you want to see.

After that, you have to act.  Train yourself to find people, and you will.  Then, act on what you find and say things like, “I don’t know if you are looking for extra income or not, but I would love to tell you about my business.”

Tell yourself, “My job is to find people to hear about the opportunity.”  Tell yourself that daily.  You’ll surprise yourself with what happens.

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