By Dana Phillips.

One of the greatest gifts we give ourselves is personal growth.  It isn’t always easy to face our shortcomings and do something about them, but it is so rewarding when we look back and see the changes.

Recently, we visited with a group of highly successful women who have “been there” and “done that”.  The most encouraging thing about this group is that they continually stretch themselves in the area of personal growth.

I would love to paraphrase some of their insights.

Worry:  In the beginning, I worried about everything.  Through time and experience, I discovered that worry doesn’t change a thing.  Most of the things I worry about never happen.  Letting go of anxiety about the future lets me focus on the present and use my emotional energy to be present.

Listening:  Learning to really listen to what others have to say without “practicing” what I am going to respond has helped me understand more of what is going on in a conversation, be more responsive to the other person, and ultimately help us both to get what we want.

Coaching:  Asking questions rather than rescuing every person I work with has given me the power to let others take control over their choices.  Letting others come up with their own solutions frees me from having to be the “answer”.

You can be YOU:  I learned it and I have a great desire to help others see that they can succeed by being themselves, totally and genuinely THEIR best.  True success comes from harnessing thoughts, ideas, and skills and letting them flow through your personality, your style and your communication.

Persistence:  Practicing your skills, sticking to it, and getting back up if you fail are all part of persistence.  Because of my persistence, I am so much more in tune with others who sometimes just need to keep at it.  They stop too soon; give up too easily, when victory is right around the corner.

Keep growing, I know that I am.

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