By Dana Phillips.

Many new leaders who recruit people are concerned about being too “pushy” with the new person, or that they will “overwhelm” the new team member. Right from the beginning, let them see the opportunity is waiting. It’s not their first goal, but they should know it’s there.

If you don’t help someone make money right away, you run a significant risk of losing them.

  • They may never get started.
  • They may stop returning your calls.
  • They may not attend your conference calls or meetings.
  • They may not “get” the big picture.
  • They may mentally “check out.”

The facts are that the majority of people who start strong, stay strong in direct sales.  Of course, there are exceptions. You will hear, “I came into Company XYZ and fell in love with the product, now I am building a team.” Get real. That is the exception.  The majority of people who join direct sales do not make a full-time income.  As a leader, you may want to increase the percentage of business builders with these three practical steps.

  1. Tell them that they can make money in their first week if they follow your lead.  You know they can make money by sharing the product. Too many times we fail to assure them that they can if they follow the simple steps of success.
  2. Create a shortlist (30 people) with them.  Did you notice I said with them?  Over the years, we have watched so many people assume a new person can make a list.  Doing it with them helps you address issues like pre-judging, fear, and words to say. Immediately, not after they went away and tried to make a list on their own.
  3. Make a 3-way sales call with them.  Simple, easy, and I would guess that most of you do not do this part.  You tell them to share. You ask them to book parties, and you don’t show them how.  Study after study shows that adults learn best by being shown what to do.

These simple steps don’t take much time.  You can teach them to every single recruiter on your team.  Of course, there are other things that you will want to share later, but first, help them make money.

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