By Dana Phillips.

Here are some of the wisdoms you can count on to make you feel better when you are having one of those days.  They are like a little oasis in your mind.

  1. High performers do not cope with change, they cause it.
  2. Your objective is excellence, not perfection. Excellence is always an option.  Perfection isn’t.
  3. Enthusiasm is as contagious as ever.
  4. If you are constantly looking back, chances are you will fall into the hole ahead.
  5. If you have tried to do something but couldn’t, you are far better off than if you had tried to do nothing and failed.
  6. If we have the desire, we have the power.
  7. Determined people working together can do anything.
  8. If need be continue what seems impossible. It is only impossible if you quit.
  9. Change can be frightening, but only by changing can we experience growth.  Only by challenging yourself to what seems impossible can you ever know how much you can achieve.
  10. Don’t compare yourself with others, draw your own dreams and design your own destiny.

Which is your favorite?  What do you want to do now?

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We’ll continue to do Five Minute Friday and Tuesday Tidbits in our Facebook group, the Direct Selling Leaders Network.  (Psst:  If you aren’t in the Facebook group, click here to join.)  Meanwhile, we’d love to have you follow us on YouTube. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.