by Neil Phillips
Have you ever noticed that successful leaders know how to bring out the best in others? They seem to have a knack for creating high performers. Have you ever had a leader who brought out the best in you? I’ve been fortunate to follow leaders who role modeled this for me. As I think back, here are three things I learned about bringing out the best in others.
Become an inspiration to others:
Your words, actions, energy, even your smallest thoughts will either promote or prevent the growth of those around you. Choose to be the type of person who inspires others to become better. Love what you do and show it. Enthusiasm is contagious! To keep yourself full of energy and enthusiasm, connect with positive people, monitor your self-talk, feed your mind with positive things, and stay focused on your “what and why” along with your goals. You can inspire others to greatness when you’re also inspiring yourself.
Discover motivation:
When working with those who want to advance, take time to discover their “what and why.” I believe this is the most important step in bringing out the best in someone. Never assume that you know what they want. Ask questions, listen carefully, and take notes. The truth is, you light their fire by helping them get clarity about what they want. At that point, motivation comes from within. As Zig Ziglar always reminded us:
“You can get everything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want.” Be sure you have a clear picture of what they want.
Give of yourself:
This is the best gift you can give to those who want more. Invest your time and energy in showing them how to do the business, rather than telling them how to do it. Believe in them, even when they stumble or don’t believe in themselves. Bringing out the best in someone means finding talent that’s buried so deep inside they don’t even know it is there. Pull it out and show them how to use it to develop their greatness.
Successful leaders take time to learn the skill of building people to become more than they ever thought possible. What are you doing to bring out the best in your team members?
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