I was looking back into some old notes I had written, and I came across these.  They still move me to want to be a better person.  Enjoy!

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF:  Be proud of yourself…stand tall…there is no other person like you…you are somebody… an extraordinary person…a unique individual.

REACH FOR THE MOON:  Set high standards and seek them with all your energies. Expect the best from yourself.

ALWAYS DO A LITTLE MORE THAN YOU ARE EXPECTED TO DO:  Don’t try to get away with a little less. Do a little more…it will be noticed, and such an attitude will bring you great satisfaction and big dividends.

DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEBODY ELSE: No matter how hard or bleak your life may seem, there are plenty of others worse off.  So find your way to help them…your own life will be richer for it.

BE TRUE TO YOUR SELF: Be honest with yourself even when it hurts.  You may be able to kid most people, but you can never really kid yourself.

GET INVOLVED…TRY TO MAKE THE WORLD A LITTLE BETTER: What can you do?  Maybe you can’t reform the world, but you can make your home and business a little better.  If we all did it…the world truly would be a better place.

ALWAYS TRY YOUR HARDEST: Never do less than what you’re capable of doing.  You won’t always succeed, but you’ll know in your heart that you tried.  Try hard…it’s a good feeling, and it’s the only way to make the most of your abilities.

SET GOALS FOR YOURSELF: Decide where you want to go and how you will get there.  Plan, dream, and work toward specific goals.

FIND A MENTOR: Identify with somebody.  Pattern your life after someone you truly admire. Your mentor may be some you know or someone from a distance.

BE KIND: Kindness costs nothing, and yet it can mean so very much.

KEEP LEARNING: Do everything that is required and designed to help you.  Meetings and conference calls educate us and teach us how to book and recruit well.  When you don’t do what you want to do, don’t blame others for your lack of success.

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