As a direct sales leader, you will hold quite a few meetings.  This list might help your team leaders to make meetings more effective.  Or, if you are new to direct selling, these are some great tips for you.

  1. Take notes, write notes, remind people to have a journal or notepaper.
  2. Dress professionally.  Even if it’s a Zoom, when you look professional, you’ll show up as more confident.
  3. Cheer for announcements and others.
  4. Jot a note to the speakers and trainers. Physical notes are awesome!  Send a brief text right after the call.
  5. Do your socializing before and after the meeting.  Don’t fill the chat with trivia or self-centered needs.
  6. Do your texting, bookwork, or checking your team sales before or after the meeting.
  7. Refuse to answer questions during the meeting. You can get pulled off the main topic and screw up your time management.
  8. Maintain eye contact.  People can tell when you are reading texts or emails.
  9. Write your questions down.
  10. Inform your team members and guests of these suggestions.

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