By Neil Phillips.

I spend so much time in front of my monitor these days that I thought I needed to change the look of my surroundings. In the process of cleaning out my bookshelves, I came across my books by John Maxwell.  To me, he is one of the ultimate “experts” in leadership development. Finding his books reminded me of the impact he had on my own development.

As I glanced through the books, I found notes, thoughts, and comments that I had written in the margins many years ago!  As a new leader, learning about these qualities, I was overwhelmed. I had a lot of work to do!  I look at them today and realize there’s still more work to do. What I do know is that developing our success qualities is a journey that continues throughout our life.

According to Maxwell in his book, 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, these are the success qualities essential to building strong Leaders.

Here are my thoughts on three of them.


Vision leads the leader. You can only achieve what you can see.  Vision paints the picture of what you want for yourself, your family, your business, and your life. If you haven’t done so in a while, take time during the next few weeks to create the vision of what you want for your life.  Write it down, fine-tune it, even draw a picture of it and hang it where you can see it daily. Your vision has to come from within, and taking time to do these things clarifies it for you.


People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Commitment is getting up one more time than you fall, it’s keeping on even though your strength is gone, and it’s leaving your own comfort to make life better for others. True commitment inspires and attracts people and is the key to Leadership.

Positive Attitude

Attitude is a choice. It determines how you act. It attracts people to you because who-you-are is who-you-attract. Your people reflect you.

If you need a “check-up from the neck up,” feed yourself by reading positive books, inspirational quotes, or listening to motivational podcasts.  Achieve a positive goal every day and keep positive visuals around you.  The thing that separates good leaders from great ones is attitude. Stay positive!

Enjoy the book and your journey to great Leadership as you are developing Leaders around you!

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