By Neil Phillips.

Are you excited to begin? Have you set some new goals to achieve during 2023?

There is something about turning the calendar to a new year that feels like a fresh start and time for a new beginning. Dreaming big is exciting and helps create a vision that ignites your passion. To keep that fire burning, it’s essential to achieve the goals you set. You will accomplish more if you take the time to determine if your goal is a “SMART” goal. Let’s put it to the test!


  • What exactly do I want to achieve?
  • What will it take each month to achieve it?
    • How many parties/selling events?
    • How many new team members?
    • How many phone contacts?
    • How many hours per week/day?
    • Who will I need to involve to achieve it?


  • What are the numbers?
    • Sales needed per month, new team members per month, etc.
  • How will I know I have achieved each step?


  • Is the number of hours per week required something I am willing to commit?
  • Am I able to do the tasks required?
    • Do I have the skill?
    • What obstacle might prevent me from completing the work required?
  • What does it cost to achieve my goal?
  • What must I sacrifice to achieve this goal?


  • Do I have the resources required?
    • Time: after scheduling what is required on my calendar, can I commit the time in addition to the other activities already on my calendar?
    • Finances: am I able and willing to make the needed investment?
  • Am I willing to make the necessary sacrifices?


  • What is the specific deadline for my goal? This means an actual date!

Did your 2023 goal pass the test? If so, hurrah! I can’t wait to celebrate with you when you achieve it! If not, how will you adjust your goal to one that passes the SMART goal test? Striving for a goal requires energy, enthusiasm, and passion. Accomplishing smaller goals builds momentum, keeps you excited, and prepares you to achieve bigger goals. When you strive only for SMART goals that pass the test, you move forward and enjoy the journey instead of feeling disappointed and discouraged. Go ahead, and flex those goal-achieving muscles by creating SMART goals in 2016!

Want to see and share goals?

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