By Neil Phillips.

One of your most rewarding jobs as a leader is getting new consultants started right. They have SO much energy and don’t know what direction to turn it. That’s where your leadership comes in.

You always start with A, B, C.

  1. Application that you help fill out.
  2. Build a list of potential consultants and clients that you help them do.
  3. Contact the list with your help.

Did you notice that every letter have you helping? One of the keys to leading new consultants is sticking like Velcro. While you may train them from your website or your upline may help, your responsibility is to stay connected.

Your new consultant wants to know three things:

  1. How to engage and invite.
  2. How to hold a selling event.
  3. How to navigate the company’s software or systems.

When you follow this order, you’ll help them learn to emphasize the right things properly.

How will you teach them? Stick like Velcro and:

  • Take them with you when you can.
  • Do three-way calls
  • Produce some simple phone videos for them to watch
  • Give them small assignments, and then have them reach back to you.

Want to Learn Best Practices from Other Leaders?

You want to be the leader that your team wants and needs. Enjoy your present time with them.

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