By Neil Phillips.
I want you to think about your calendar as a reflection of how well your business is doing. If you aren’t using a day planner, your business may be more like a hobby. If what’s on your calendar is less than you want, then it’s time to be systematic and fill it up.
A calendar full of business activities indicates a successful business, while a calendar with gaps often means a business falling short of its goals. Setting up an effective calendar involves some planning time. Once it is set up, you will realize the value, and it’s much easier to keep it up.
The paper calendar I’ve found to be very effective is a week at a glance with one-hour time slots. Alternatively, you may want to use your computer calendar like iCal, Google, or Outlook. Using a calendar gives you a clear picture of how much time there is in a day and how you spend that time.
Here are five steps to creating a calendar to help you grow your business.
- Fill in your calendar with everything that has to do with your business and personal life with a definite date and time, such as conference calls, team meetings, conventions, parties/appointments, ball games, vacations, and anything else you have planned.
- Set your goal for how many parties/appointments you will hold for the month. Block times on your calendar that you want to have those parties/appointments. You’ll fill these blocks with names and times as you book.
- Block your recruiting time and your Host contact time each week. Keeping these activities on the same day and time each week will build consistency in your work schedule. Again, you’ll be filling in the blocks with names and times as you schedule them.
- Write down everything else you need to do this week for business and your personal life on a Master To Do List. Write how long each task will take you. If anything takes more than 15 minutes (like grocery shopping, exercise, writing your newsletter, planning conference calls and team meetings), put it on your calendar with a definite time. Tasks taking less than 15 minutes can go on your daily To Do list.
- Look at your calendar daily to be sure you are booked for the next two weeks with parties/appointments. If there are gaps, fill them immediately.
Successful Leaders look at their calendars each evening to see what tomorrow brings. Waking up with a clear direction of what you want to get done and where you are going gives you energy and a drive to finish your day as planned. You will be amazed at what will happen to your business. ENJOY!
Want More Time Management Ideas?
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