Customize Your Recruiting Message

When you're sharing your income opportunity, do you make essentially the same presentation to everyone? If so, you may not be enjoying the success you're hoping for. Different people have different needs—and they'll respond differently to the same message. For better results, try customizing your recruiting message for each person you talk to.

Putting the Fun Back in Your Business

By Dana Phillips. I loved my opportunity and my team most of the time. There were times, however, when things weren’t going as I wanted, [...]

What Makes Something Important?

By Neil Phillips. [Editor's Note:  This article was the top-read feature on our blog in September. With some updating, we decided to share it with [...]

How to Get Your Team Members Personally Motivated

By Neil Phillips. The word "motivation" comes from the root word for "motor" or movement and, interestingly, the same root for emotion. As a leader, [...]

Seven Sales Builders for Party Plan People

By Dana Phillips. Often, the little things that you say can build big results.  Try some of these! Double up by encouraging double hostess parties.  [...]

Five Steps for Organizing your Calendar

By Neil Phillips. I want you to think about your calendar as a reflection of how well your business is doing. If you aren't using [...]

Pre-Vacation Productivity RUSH

By Neil Phillips. It’s almost here, the best week of the year – vacation! And you are in hyper-speed! You have finished the laundry, packed [...]

A Skill Every Direct Seller Needs and Why…

By Dana Phillips. You might also call this article "How I Learned to Set Goals and Achieve Them." I was never a significant goal-setter growing [...]

Why Isn’t My Team Recruiting?

By Dana Phillips. Sometimes it seems like a never-ending battle to get your team to recruit, doesn’t it? That feeling has happened to all of [...]

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