When you’re in a growth mode, always keep the “main thing, the main thing.”  More Leaders equals More Sales.  As we think about a system for developing leaders, we have to make sure that we are inspiring people to reach for more.  This is part two of a three part series.  Part one is about five steps to creating a system.  The topic today is about making it duplicable.

Creating a duplicable system for promoting leaders takes focus.  It begins with consistently identifying new future Leaders.  Think about what you’re doing at your team meetings to inspire others to advance. Here are some ideas on things you can do at every meeting.

  • Share your goal for number of new leaders and create fun ways to share the benefits. Create a visual to have at every meeting or post to your Facebook group. When your goal it to promote 10, then have 10 lines on it. Upon promotion, have the new leader write her/his name on a line. When you reach the goal, have a drawing among all new leaders.
  • Have a Leader, especially new ones, share their “I story”. (a 3 minute testimony answering 3 questions…Why I joined…How my life has changed…What I’m looking forward to (next goal) 
  • Let your team know you are looking for new Leaders and invite them to have a Leadership conversation with you.  Schedule appointments from your meeting. 
  • Welcome every new team member personally. You may say something like, “I’m so glad you’ve joined our team. Has your Consultant shared the Leadership opportunity with you?  (Compliment them and tell them why you think they’d be good) I’d like to set a time to talk about the benefits with you.  When would be a good time for you?”  Have a clip board with the time you have blocked for Leadership conversations. Write their name, email and number down and follow up the next day. 
  • Celebrate every promotion!  Have fun and honor the new Leader. Include music, “I Story” from the new leader; invite family members (if appropriate), gifts, flowers, etc. Remember, this is a promotion for your new Leader and when you make it special, it will make a big difference in building the relationship. 

As you develop a duplicable system, you can share this with your Leaders to have them   develop their own promoting system. Have your Leaders give you future Leader leads and role model the process from start to finish. Soon they will be promoting Leaders on their own.

How are you making your system duplicable?

Up next: Maintaining your focus