By Neil Phillips.

You have an opportunity right now that doesn’t come along very often.  You can show lots of people that you care.  Every negative thought going through your head right now is also going through the heads of your team and your customers. You can’t control their thoughts and actions, but you can control yours.  You have an opportunity to do something about the uncertainty, fright, and anxiety around you.

A few decades ago, Zig Ziglar said that excellent idea, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Here are fifty ideas to help you let others know you care:

  1. Teach someone how to use Zoom. It’s the new Skype only better!
  2. Post a quotation from a favorite movie and see if people can guess the film (Thank you, Connie Kingston).
  3. Host a Zoom reading time for young children. (Thank you, Dana “Nana” Phillips.)
  4. Call someone in a restricted living situation.
  5. Barter your products for toilet paper.
  6. Train in your VIP groups about life skills (setting a schedule for the family.
  7. Take a poll on great family games. (Thank you, Jennifer Keller.) You will love Exploding Cats.
  8. Ask for scratch recipes that use three ingredients or less (my favorite—toasted cheese sandwich.)
  9. Send real notes of gratitude. Three a day is a good goal.
  10. Start a request list like this in your FB group.
  11. Take your children to a museum.
  12. Volunteer your teenagers for storytime (virtually, of course).
  13. Do a virtual fundraiser for a local cause.
  14. Volunteer to teach life skills to a MOPS group (meal planning, scheduling, etc.)
  15. Coach newly unemployed workers about your side-gig.
  16. Join an online yoga group (
  17. Do something small (Washington Post, Four ways to help prevent loneliness while you’re social distancing).
  18. Play music for an older neighbor (Time, Here’s the Story Behind That Viral Video of Kids Playing a Private Cello Concert for Their Self-Quarantining Neighbor.)
  19. Mail “Get Well” cards in snail mail.
  20. Phone three customers or hosts every day to say THANKS and check-in.
  21. Create a reading contest for your team and customer’s children. When they read ____ pages or minutes, give them a coupon for a gift for Mom on Mother’s Day.
  22. Go live every day in your FB group.
  23. Message one person a day who is on your team.
  24. Share educational links.
  25. Call a friend and walk while you talk.
  26. Empty your pantry and make a meal plan with what you have (Thanks, Diane Nozik.)
  27. Share a blog post in Messenger
  28. Check on your neighbors
  29. Facetime with your team’s children.
  30. Post an inspirational poem
  31. Post a grateful meme and tag three people.
  32. Post jokes (Thank you, Kelly Fleming.)
  33. Offer to pray with a friend.
  34. Before going to the store, check with your neighbors.
  35. Send birthday and anniversary cards to your team.
  36. Have a Zoom party just to get together.
  37. Leave SPARKLE voice messages on Messenger.
  38. Host a virtual prayer meeting on Zoom.
  39. Play Bingo in your FB group.
  40. Start a GOOD NEWS post asking people to share good news,
  41. Catch people doing nice things and tag them.
  42. Play FB tag “Tag, you’re it,” say, “I think you are great and pass it on.”
  43. On FB Live, use your children to demonstrate products. (Thanks, Amanda Lund, for the chocolate chip cookie demo.)
  44. Share your daily children’s schedule on FB. (Gulp, this is getting real.)
  45. Share your daily family schedule on FB. (Double gulp!)
  46. Donate clothes and supplies to a homeless shelter and urge others to do so.
  47. Give a double tip on your next food delivery order.
  48. Give a neighbor some flowers.
  49. Bake cookies and give them all away.
  50. Make a list of 50 ways to show you care. Yeah!

These may not all be for you.  I can guarantee one thing:  every bit you do helps others and helps yourself.

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