By Dana Phillips.

When I am coaching top leaders, I often ask, “what is your system for leadership development?” I am not surprised when my clients stop and say, “I don’t have one.”  With that in mind, here are some thought starters to support you, the direct sales leader, in your efforts to promote more of your team to leadership positions in your organization.

Keep the benefits of promoting in front of your team.  You may think they get sick of hearing the benefits of being a team leader, manager, supervisor, director (whatever your titles are).  Find different ways to inspire others to advance.

  1. Have new leaders tell their stories of success.  Seeing others succeed puts the vision closer to the reality of a team member.  “If he did it, so can I.”
  2. Use visuals in your meetings. If you have visuals for your zoom team meetings, use the welcome page to highlight a benefit of leadership promotion. Change it up so that each webinar, you find a different way to cast the vision. Consider a simple poster of the benefits of advancement to display at your meetings.
  3. Create a one-page flyer to convey the benefits of leadership.  Include it in small meetings, new consultant training, and even at your customer events.
  4. Use language that puts others right in the middle of your vision.  “I see you as a future __________.”
  5. Invite team members to consider promoting to leadership.  A personal invitation is not the language in number 4.  It is a private conversation to join you in the leadership journey so they can enjoy the benefits of leadership.

When you keep the benefits in front of others, the message is clear.  You want to support, encourage, and assist others in earning.  When you cast a vision of leadership, paint your team members in the middle of that vision.

What do you do to promote leaders?

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